Ghana’s Most Decorated Liar Picks Number One On The Ballot—HORACE ANKRAH

Horace Nii Ayi Ankrah has once again descended on the Vice-President Dr. Bawumia claiming that ‘’Ghana’s most decorated liar picks number one on the ballot.’’

In our weekly exclusive interview with the NDC stalwart, he recounted his reasons why he is very particular about character in this particular election claiming that ‘’it is all about good character, integrity and trust, which the current Vice-President exhibits none to lead the country.’’

When pushed further that those are strong words to use the former Chairman of the UK/Ireland Chapter of the NDC said ‘’a spade is a spade.’’

Horace Ankrah claim that Dr Bawumia has lied so much that he personally is troubled about how he will be perceived globally if he was to lead a decent people like the Ghanaian.

‘’I have no problem with the person of any Ghanaian but I have enormous problem with a liar and for that matter I urge even his party members to be mindful.’’

Ankrah went on to recount a couple of lies and deceit to buttress his claim when he said ‘’Bawumia lied when he said Cape Coast was going to have an airport, he lied when he said every home will not have water and toilet issues after two years of the NPP administration, he lied to Ghanaians about the Pwalugu Dam when he claimed it was finished and one of the NPP best achievements, meanwhile they have spent 11 million dollars and can’t account for it, he lied about his ability to run a good economy instead he has done to Ghana what he did to Zimbabwe, he lied about Ghana not going back to the IMF, he also lied when he said the economy will be that of production not taxation but we rather see an economy of taxes some of which we do not , as a people, know what government is using the money for such as the E-Levy and COVID Levy, he lied again about how the Ghanacard being used as an E-Passport, just to name a few.’’

With the above mentioned ‘’lies’’ Mr. Ankrah went on to say that ‘’every Ghanaian can see dishonesty, manipulation, deception, lack of integrity and untrustworthiness, which has eroded the needed trust that a leader craves for.’’

‘’Remember, honesty is always the best policy, even if it’s difficult and the number 1 on the ballot paper for election 2024, Dr. Bawumia, is not,’’ he concluded.

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