NPP Germany Takes On John Mahama For Attacking Ghana Bar Association





NPP Germany has once again been compelled to tackle John Mahama in equal measure right in his tracks following his penchant for hatred and continuous unprovoked attacks directed at Ghana’s noble Judiciary including Ghanaian lawyers.

As citizens, voices of concern, and advocates for accountability, it is with a displeasing heart that we condemn John Mahama and his propagandist cold critiquing elements, and personas of the Ghana Bar Association (GBA) and the Judiciary.

A news item that appeared on Ghanaweb on 26th January 2024 with the caption “Does the GBA go to sleep when the NPP is in power and wake up when the NDC is in power? – Mahama questions” cannot pass without a comment.

According to the news story “Former President John Mahama has urged the Ghana Bar Association (GBA) to overcome perceived partisan leanings and consistently advocate for the national interest, irrespective of the political party in power.
During a meeting with organized labor representatives in Kumasi, Mahama criticized the GBA’s apparent silence on crucial issues under the current New Patriotic Party (NPP) administration, contrasting it with their vocal stances during past National Democratic Congress (NDC) governments.

John Mahama according to the report, highlighted specific instances where the GBA’s silence seemed conspicuous, including allegations of human rights violations and questionable government decisions.

He expressed concerns that such silence undermines the Bar Association’s credibility and raises questions about its commitment to justice and accountability for all Ghanaians.

“GBA spoke about perception. Well, what’s the reality? Does the GBA go to sleep when the NPP is in power and wake up when the NDC is in power? We will see. In 2025, we will see whether you will wake up. But it’s true. You know yourselves that it is true that when the NPP is in power, they do the most outrageous things and you are quiet.

It is with heavy hearts and resolute spirits that we must address this rampant propaganda being inflamed by John Mahama and the NDC.

We crave the indulgence of Ghanaians, Readers, and the public to recount some of the worst moments in the lives of Ghanaians during the time of the NDC and John Mahama.

In the corridors of power, where promises echoed amid insensitive decisions, Ghanaians witnessed a stark reality: INCOMPETENCE which became a norm rather than an exception.

John Mahama and the NDC gang of looters, who were our leaders, entrusted with the solemn duty to serve and manage our resources, faltered in their responsibilities, leaving a trail of broken systems and shattered the dreams of many Ghanaians.

From the mismanagement of public funds to the neglect of pressing societal issues, John Mahama and his INCOMPETENT NDC government throughout their stay in power from 2008 failed to fulfill their mandate which they were punished through a mass protest voting in the year 2016 in the history of Ghana’s multi-party democracy since 1992.

NPP Germany reminds Ghanaians that under John Mahama, we witnessed the mass crumbling of basic services under the weight of bureaucratic inertia, while they embroiled themselves in corruption which corroded the very foundations of our globally acclaimed enviable democracy.

Ghanaians entrusted their futures to John Mahama who promised change, only to be met with stagnation and regression. The voices of the people were drowned out by the cacophony of self-interest and daylight political mafia chicanery.

To NPP Germany, Ghanaians were not merely spectators to the unfolding drama of the worst-ever governance under John Mahama.

Ghanaians today have no short memories but rather have become architects of good conscience and its driving force for transformation and they have embraced the NPP and Nana Akufo-Addo’s government.

NPP Germany assures Ghanaians that though the road ahead is fraught with challenges, it is also illuminated by the beacon of infinite possibilities.

Together, let us seize the opportunity to shape a future where governance is not a privilege of the few but a sacred trust of the many.

NPP Germany admonishes Ghanaians that let us remember the true measure of a government lies not in its rhetoric or its grandiose promises, but in its ability to uplift the lives of its citizens and fulfill the aspirations of its people.

Let us stand together, undeterred by adversity, and strive for a government worthy of the trust we place in it. This is the more reason why you voted for the NPP in 2016 and the year 2020.

We Say KUDOS to Nana Addo-Dankwa Akufo-Addo and his government!!!

Let The Truth Confound The Wise……

Long Live Nana Addo-Dankwa Akufo-Addo!!

Long Live Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia!!!

Long Live the Elephant Party!!!!

God Bless Our Homeland Ghana!!!

Kukruduuuu Eeeessshiii!!!!


Nana Osei Boateng

NPP Germany Branch

Communications Director

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