Rev. Lawyer David Olaga Urges The State, Royal Families To Support Chiefs, Traditional Authorities Financially

Private Legal Practitioner, Rev. Lawyer David Olaga is appealing to the state and royal families to support traditional authorities to become financially stable.

According to him, the financial pressure from all angles unleashed upon chiefs have often led traditional authorities to engage in all kinds of unethical and illegal practices just for survival.

“I would like to call on government to take a second look at the Chieftaincy Ministry because as it stands right now, per Article 276 of the 1992 Constitution, chiefs are not to engage in Active Party Politics.

When somebody is elected, selected or installed as a chief, that person is totally barred from engaging in any active politics of any sort. In fact, by extension, there are a lot of things that this chief cannot do such as business or activities that can generate income for his family.

….This chief is like any other person in this country; he has a family, he has his children’s educational needs to take care of. But because as a royal family we don’t pay attention to the Chiefs and in a way try to cushion them financially, they end up engaging in all kinds of unprofessional and uncultured activities.

They sell lands illegally and do all kinds of things that are not associated with the respected stool they occupy.

This is because they do not have any financial safety net or support in any form,” Rev. Lawyer David Olaga lamented.

He further pointed out stressing that as a chief, one is not allowed to even work under some customary practices.

He was addressing the 2023 Home Coming and Family Reunion of the Olaga Clan of Ada in Ghana held on Saturday 30th December 2023.

Rev. Lawyer David Olaga was speaking on the key topic effective leadership in the 21st Century.

“Just take a close observation of the situation where only those qualified to be part of the members of traditional house of chiefs are given some form of sitting allowance during meetings.

Under this situation I bet if your subjects always fail to financially support you, then life will be extremely difficult for you to bare.”

Lawyer Olaga also admonished that what the society needs now is a selfless and visionary leader who is not only interested in the acquisition of wealth for his nuclear family but to push for the development agenda as part of a wholistic betterment and advancement of our society.

“An effective leader is the one who admits his mistakes and is honestly and truthfully conscious to make amends considering the interests of all for the collective success and growth of our people,” he emphasized.

Touching on the Ghana Elections 2024, he threw this word of caution to particularly politicians.

“As we prepare for 2024 election, I equally entreat politicians to seek the face of the Lord and always allow God to lead them knowing that their stewardship will be tested and rewarded accordingly.”

He also encouraged Ghanaians to seek for God’s direction by praying for our Country because God still loves Ghana and will do it again.

“Let the Spirit of positivity and Love lead us and we shall be fine.
I wish you A Holy Spirit Filled 2024.”

Rev. Lawyer Olaga admonished Ghanaians with ll Chronicles 7:14
“…..If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

Rev. Lawyer David Olaga further used the opportunity to pay tribute and appreciate all the chiefs of OlagaWem including:

Asafoatsengua Dabra V Kabiawe Kponor, Nene Petiafo I Kabiawe Kponor Wetsoyi, Asafoatse Hlametse Otwima I kabiawe kponor, Nene Narh Totimeh iv kabiawe kponor Faith Kope Matse.

Naana Kakie Ebiseibiom ii kabiawe Kponor Manye, Naana Kakie Hangutse Dabra I, Kabiawe Kponor Asafoanye, Naana Kabukie Apamkro Otwima I Kabiawe Kponor Asafoanye-hlamenye, for their hard and exemplary leadership skills.

On his part, the main organizer, Mr. Moses Teye Olaga was thankful to all who made it to the event and pledged that the 2024 edition will be greater and inspiring than this year.

In a year-end royal family meeting, the Family led by their elders and heads discussed various matters, including charitable initiatives, public engagements, and family events as well as matters of chieftaincy and dispute resolution.

The event assembled all families of Olaga roots at Ada, their ancestral homelands as well as those from the diaspora community.

The occasion was used to discuss the history of the Olaga Clan and challenges facing various families within the clan.

There was a full acknowledgement of the collective efforts being made by all Olaga Family members so far promoting the Olaga name and in helping to bring progress, development and steering goodwill.

Present at the meeting were Mr. Asafo Olaga (Chairman), Mr. Seidu Olaga (Talibanya), Mr. Mawunyega Olaga (Kajanya), Mr. E. K. Olaga (Mampon), Madam Akler Olaga, Miss Edith Olaga, Mr Moses Teye Olaga (Tema, Organizer) & Mr Kartey Olaga (Qatar, organizer), Lawyer David Olaga, (Accra)
and Dr. Gbli Olaga.

While key achievements throughout the year 2023 were highlighted, there were mentions of some positive outlooks and initiatives awaiting all Olaga family members in the new year 2024.

Discussions on future plans and adapting to changing circumstances were also part of the agenda, emphasizing the need for a united front.

The main subject and focus of the meeting was to deliberate and discuss effective leadership in the 21st Century.

The same platform was also used to unveil a five member dispute resolution committee.

The 5-Member Committee include Madam Gifty Olaga, Miss Edith Olaga, Mr. Moses Teye Olaga, & Mr Kartey Olaga A.k.a ‘London Boy’ and Rev. Lawyer David Olaga as its Chairman.

The meeting concluded with a highly charged positive outlook for the upcoming new year 2024.

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